Refund policy
We work extraordinarily hard to create the highest quality product and deliver the highest quality experience. If by chance you are unhappy with the product(s) or your experience, this is how we will work to resolve the situation with you.
If you are dissatisfied with your order or product(s)for any reason, please contact us within 30 days of the order date at Please include your order number in your message and reason for refund request. We will work with you to replace, credit, or refund you in whole or in part, or otherwise address your dissatisfaction. For INTL orders we will not refund shipping charges, duties or taxes. The resolution may ask for a return of the product(s), photographic documentation, and/or other information for quality control or other purposes. In the case of a return, we will provide you a prepaid return label and you will have 14 days to ship. Iris Gear monitors return activity for abuse and reserves the right to limit refunds, returns, or exchanges at Iris Gear in all instances.
Please note that merchandise purchased by customers outside of the US cannot currently be returned.